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Cloud and Cloud-Based Computing


Updated: Apr 25, 2019

Cloud and Cloud-Based Computing

Perhaps you’ve heard the term “cloud computing”? Thus, it begs the questions: What is the cloud? Where is it? And what exactly is cloud computing? Well settle down folks, I’ll answer them in a bit. All you have to know is that it has nothing to do with clouds.

In simpler terms, cloud computing involves storing and accessing data and programs over the virtual interface, the Internet rather than from your personal storage media, hard drives. The term cloud is a metaphor for the Internet.

Cloud computing has revolutionized our lives in many ways, although fewer studies have focused on the impact this technology has made in our lives. Therefore, I have taken the opportunity to reflect on these impacts by highlighting some of the key areas it has affected in our lives.

Social Impact of Cloud Computing

From the advent of social media platforms and sites like YouTube, they are a testimony to how people have transformed interaction with each other from a social perspective. From remote locations, each and every corner of the world can have access to it through the Internet. The term “global” has shrunk. Moreover, the idea of citizen journalism where any individual can become a freelance journalist and report on instances is becoming popular day by day. People can report news that would spark an uproar in social media platforms.

In addition, never has it been easier to link with longtime friends and associates with the Internet. Facebook is a good example. Let’s not forget, influential public figures and even giant corporations utilize Twitter to get a feel for the community.

Businesses take the advantage of cloud computing developments and the ever-dependable social media platforms to further their agendas. More businesses are accessing most of their data through cloud-based information resources, in order to learn more and get better insights on consumer requirements and needs.

Cloud Computing Impact on Education

None have been quicker to realize the potential hidden on cloud computing, and the benefits accrued, than the education industry. More importantly, educational institutions have been gearing towards cloud computing for the following reasons:

  • The ability for the students to access data wherever, whenever they need to. Also, to aid enrolling in classes and courses online, and even participate in group activities.

  • Reduction in expenses by combining automation of business processes.

  • No need to cater to complicated infrastructure.

  • One can easily process billing for education and non-education related activities

Developmental Impact of Cloud Computing

Cloud technology has especially benefited developing countries, as they no longer need to invest in costly infrastructure. As with education, other key sectors like agriculture, banking, health, and science can also benefit from cloud technology.

Cloud Computing Impact on Health

In the healthcare industry, cloud technology continues to rise steadily. Managing chunks of data from patients and sharing it among medical practitioners and professionals requires operational costs. Therefore, using cloud-based technology, these costs are significantly reduced.

Winding up…

While the challenge of transitioning from old to current tools will always be there, the benefits of incorporating change far outweighs the challenges. These are but a few of the industries that will be shifting directly over the years with advancement in cloud computing. Keep a weather eye on the horizon, won’t you?


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