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Beginners Guide to Marketing Automation


Updated: Apr 25, 2019

Beginners Guide to Marketing Automation

Imagine sitting and kicking back and let your marketing work just by itself. Gone are the days when we had meetings back-to-back from 9-5, still have a huge to-do list that you took home, with even more in your email. I’ll be honest with you, not all that is going to get done; therefore, I’ll be happy to introduce to you a bright solution, a solution to the never-ending marketing nightmare.

This solution not only does a portion of the work for us but also makes our marketing process to be quite efficient. One would think it’s some advanced AI from a cybernetic universe.

Of course, what I’m talking about is marketing automation.

What Is Marketing Automation?

Basically, marketing automation is software that automates your marketing processes for you. There is no other way I can put it. This software is designed to prioritize and execute marketing tasks in a more refined, streamlined and efficient way, hassle-free.

However, what does it mean to a marketer? Unlike in engineering and manufacturing, marketing automation will not cost a marketer their job, it just makes it more effective. Early lunch on Monday anyone? Marketing automation liberates some time for you and it doesn’t compromise on the content authenticity being produced.

The goal of marketing to generate more revenue for the business is still upheld, and to be precise, in a more proficient way.

Marketing Automation Do’s and Dont’s

Having described what marketing automation is, here are a few tips you need to think about. Look at them as a guide more than a regulation.

  • Do integrate both marketing automation with inbound marketing strategy. Inbound strategies provide valuable content that aligns with your customer needs. Marketing automation should, therefore, enhance this communication process.

  • Don’t automate your current process without reflecting your goals. Take a moment to reflect on your goals. Marketing automation shouldn’t lead a business to execute nonsensible strategies to customers or prospects.

  • Don’t broadcast general messages. With marketing automation, the days of sending a general message are over. You have the opportunity to individually access your clients and send them a personalized message.

  • Do send highly-targeted, specific content to a certain audience. Basically, provide the content people are looking for. Answer a specific query. Make it precise and to the point.

  • Don’t forget about your customers. For those selling out or closing contracts, that should not the end, there is still potential of them becoming your prospects.

  • Do set up customer engagement campaigns. This keeps your current customers happy and, more to the point, coming back for more.

Let’s Bring It All Together

As I conclude, you have the basics on marketing automation, and if you realize, it’s all about nurturing and not selling. Time to forgo the hard-sell approach and take into account content that is personalized, relevant, and most importantly, aligns with what the customer and prospects are seeking.

Bear in mind the attract, convert, and close stages of automated marketing systems.


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